Happy Pre-2015

Happy Pre New Years!!!

Can you believe it’s almost 2015….
Seriously…is the 2nd coming ever going to come.
Pray with me people.

Any-who, Christmas was awesome!
it was so good to see my family and It was more exciting because I’ll see you face to face in no time at all!

Any-who….Things are going good. President William (stake Pres) showed up to our meetings on Sunday…and in his meeting with Bishop something must have happened because Bishop looked like a deer in the headlights.

Nothing much exciting happened in the area. Besides we had a mission wide car fast and we walked 1,000,000,000 miles.
its okay. blessings come right?


Hopefully this next week will be a little more exciting.

1. Almost all out of Lactose pills….

2. Christmas pjs and CAT! (i love cats)



Hello My Favorite People!

So It’s 2015, and This week I come to my 15 month mark, which is super scary and I am in denial.
Tender subject.

Also, It’s the week before transfers. So if you send me a letter or package or anything, make sure it can get here before Monday, because we receive transfer calls on Monday. So I’d be sad if I was transferred and didn’t get a letter from ya because it was left in Arlington.

we have almost 30 missionaries leaving from our mission this transfer and our mission only has 160 missionaries as is…so we are getting SO small. and we only have 1 missionary coming in…and then in February we have 32 missionaries leaving and then it’s my time to come home and we have like 22 or something leaving….So our mission is getting SO small!!
So President said that in many wards we are only going to have senior couples and in many companionship’s they will be covering over 2 wards…which in Utah isn’t hard…but here where towns are like here and there….it’ll be a big change.

Speaking of transfers….am I going to go or stay? If I go, it’ll probably be my last move, because I only have 12 weeks left. And if I stay….I’ll probably die here. So I’m pretty cool with either..>i am here to serve the Lord 🙂

Also. RJ has his Baptism interview this week! And then he will be baptized on the 17th…I am so blessed that I have had at least 1 baptism each transfer of my mission.
RJ’s brother is funny….he’s super into conspiracy theories….the latest is that we are going to melt from radiation. I’m not afraid of death….

This week, our diligence as a companionship was much better. Still room for improvement.

But hey….it’s PDAY! I mean….Preparation Day. (white handbook)
So I’m going to have a great day and yeah…..

Sista Lyman

we had new years eve dinner with recent convert laura….shes so funny!
