Letter from Sydney

A scripture that I have fallen in love with is in D & C 16:6

“And now, behold I say unto you, that THE THING WHICH WILL BE OF THE MOST WORTH UNTO YOU will be to DECLARE REPENTANCE unto this people, THAT YOU MAY BRING SOULS UNTO ME that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my father, Amen”

I love this so much! because not only are  we ALL missionaries in this life, but the investigators we bring unto him here we will see them and rest with them in the next life as well! We will get to see Alma and Nephi, Almulek, Lehi and Moroni and we can talk about our missions and our stories, there is nothing sweeter than seeing people in white, enter into the waters of baptism.

Yesterday 3/23/14, we had the baptism of Gerrado, Elvia, Benjamin and Braulio. When they walked in the water, in white, one after another my heart felt a joy I can’t explain. The spirit was so pure and I believe there were truly angels there, smiling and rejoicing. Our mission presidency was there and missionaries came from Everett and Bellingham, we had 12 missionaries present. Its because Gerrado are so special, they have been praying there tithing.

Heavenly Father has some major blessings in store for them and for all those we seek him.

Now the 5 sons of Elva’s and Gerrado will be baptized in the gospel and can now serve missions and bless generations.

And all because 2 sister missionaries asked if they could help carry in groceries.



The point is, missions are necessary for the work to hasten and for people to find what they’ve been missing. I love my mission.

So, who will be the next to go on a mission? **wink wink**

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